DAY TOURS with Banksia Tours usually operate within a 120km radius from Adelaide to ensure a leisurely pace, but can be done successfully up to 250km away. We have  an extensive list of very popular day tours and ideas available for you to examine, or we can tailor one to suit your exact requirements. A day tour normally operates from around 8/8.30am till 5/5.30pm, but can be adjusted to a shorter or longer day to suit your group's requirements. Basic Day Tours can operate simply as a sightseeing tour without any extras included in the cost, and lunch or any activities are at either the group's or the individuals expense. However, we normally price the tours as a package pending your group's numbers, and include all of the relavent costs such as meals, attractions or entertainment, along with the cost of the coach. A complimentary morning tea can be served from the coach if required.       


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